Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our honeymoon in Belize

It’s hard to believe we’re already back from our honeymoon—time flies! Our wedding went off well, we don’t have any photos yet (how strange to be on the other end for once!), but we do have some honeymoon pics for you. We went to Placencia, Belize, and had a great time, tell you what. It’s good to be back home in Madison, though!

A rare shot of Madison at dawn—what luck!

Looking down on the Belize countryside from our little 7-seater puddle-jumper.

Jennifer relaxing poolside at Francis Ford Coppola’s Turtle Inn. Thatch huts are cool.

The thing about thatch huts, though, is that lizards can run right through your ceiling all day and night! We figure they take care of the bugs, so it’s all good.

This place actually exists—it’s not just a cliché!

Our jungle tour guide Raymond used his machete to tease out a crab so we could pet it.

A bamboo stand.

Notice anything on this termite mound? Like, say, a tarantula??

A beautiful, if weedy, sea.

This will go perfectly in my “Trees at Night” book.

Full moon rising over the Caribbean.

Heading home, so soon! You almost can’t tell where the sea ends and the sky begins. We’ll miss you, Placencia!

1 comment:

  1. that pic/comment of the lizard running the walls in the thatched hut has tainted my dreams of bora bora and tahiti, LOL
    Great photography btw. The creativeness runs strong in your family... (oh god, made a SW pun reference)
